Monday, December 11, 2023

Final Blog Post

I feel like I have both a positive and negative relationship with technology. Being able to connect with people that live in different states or use technology for work are just some of the ways that I use technology in a positive way. If I am using the internet in a way that will actually benefit me then I would consider that healthy. But when I am using technology way too much or getting addicted to the useless features that technology has to offer than I would consider that negative. I couldn't remember the last time that I checked my screen time but when we checked them in class it showed me that I have been using technology in a negative way. Tiktok was my most used app with it being used more than three hours a day. This was very alarming to me as I realized that I was watching mostly stupid videos that wouldn’t benefit me in any way. Over the rest of the semester I set a screen time limit on a bunch of useless apps and my screen time has decreased a lot.

I have seen my friends, family, and people around me use technology in worse ways than me. During the first two weeks of my freshman year I remember hearing my suitemate getting into an argument with his girlfriend over the phone. They kept arguing and I remember him telling her that he needed more time to play his Xbox. I didn’t think anything of it and minded my own business. The next morning he’s comes into my room and told me that he broke up with her so that he would have more time to play a new video game that just came out. Remembering this story makes my past Tiktok issue look like nothing. I have seen my family use technology in a positive way. My parents need it for work and my siblings need it for school. When there it’s a family member’s birthday and they live out of the state, we can FaceTime them to wish them a happy birthday. 

    When I use the internet I trust most of the websites and videos that I have seen. I trust these websites so much that I feel as they do make me smarter. Without the internet there would be tons of skills that I wouldn't have learned. Obviously there’s fake content out there that can manipulate the truth that you have to watch out for. When reading about deepfakes for one of my presentations it was ridiculous how real some of them looked and sounded. As someone that trusts around sixty to seventy percent of the content I see online, it was alarming. I wonder how many fake videos have tricked me into trusting their fake information. Something that I like to use to verify if a video is real or not is taking a look at the comments. This doesn’t always work but if people are disagreeing with the information, most of the time the videos fake.

In class we watched the Mad World  Remix Of Moby, and it shows how people view the real world vs. their phones once they get addicted. When people are on their phones the actual screen has color but when they look away from their phones the environment around them is black and white. This is showing how our cell phones have isolated us from our society. This video had great animations and the scenes were genius. The artist came with great ways to display how our phones are taking away human interaction. At the end of the day being on your device can be beneficial but when it makes the real world boring that's when it becomes a major problem.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Blog Post 10: Age of AI

   In the Age of AI video, what frightened me the most is that AI is taking peoples jobs. I couldn’t imagine going to college for four years just to have a computer take the job that I have worked so hard to get educated on. In the video they stated that there was around seven large investments on AI and the downside of those investments are that they decreased the ability for humans to get. Ai won’t take blue collar jobs but they will most likely take white collar jobs. Currently AI isn’t good at jobs that needs hand eye coordination which is essential to a blue collar job. People that work as reporters, traders, customer service, and much more are at risk. AI won’t go away even if we like it not. Jobs overtime tend to be replaced by technology such as bowling pin setters so hopefully with AI there will be new jobs that open up as old ones come to a close.        

Learning about the game “GO” was really interesting. After four thousand years of the game being played AI has came up with new strategies that humans never have thought of. It was really cool seeing professional players lose to the AI computer. Powering this AI to not only learn the game but have it come up with strategies of its own must have taken a lot of time and work. Seeing the human beat the computer in one game just shows how skilled he is. I have never played the game as it’s not popular in the United States but it was definitely and eye opening moment in the history of AI. I wonder what games or sports that AI will takeover in the United States. As a basketball fan it would be really cool seeing an AI robot that can shoot the basketball and never miss. Seeing an AI that could play chess would also be very interesting. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

EOTO Deep Fakes #9

      With artificial intelligence becoming more advanced, making deep fakes have became more common and more realistic. A deep fake is a realistic looking unreal video that's created by using computer software. People also are trying to figure out if deep fakes are protected by the first amendment. While the First Amendment safeguards the right to free expression, including the right to create and share content. There are certain limits to this freedom when it comes to certain forms of speech. The First Amendment will never support a Deep fake that is created to spread threats. It's interesting see how rules and peoples options on deep fakes change daily. Deep fakes and be used in both positive and negative ways. People can use deep fakes as entertainment which is a positive use. With the use of deep fakes we can bring back actors that have passed away and use them in movie scenes. Theres also a lot of social media accounts that use deep fakes to make "AI Music." An example of this is putting Spongebobs voice on the song Marry You by Bruno Mars. Deep fakes can also be used in a positive educational way. For example, surgeons can create made up situations to teach new surgeons content that could be helpful. Our military can use them in a similar way to create situations to better train our troops. There also a lot of cons that come with deep fakes. People can make fake convincing videos to change a group of peoples opinions on a view point. These deep fakes usually use a well known people to manipulate groups of people. Another con about deep fakes are people can make threats and it will look like another person said them. I couldn't imagine waking up one day and checking my phone and seeing a deep fake of me saying something that I didn't say. Lastly deep fakes can be a threat to cyber Security. As the technology advances it becomes more accessible. Potentially enabling terrible people to create deep fakes for cyber crimes such as identity theft or financial fraud.            The use of deep fake technology significantly alters societal perceptions and trust in digital media. As deep fakes get used more society is going to have to understand that not everything they see online is real. A deep fake is very easy to make this day in age. Anyone can go onto the App store and pay a subscription to an app. After paying they just need to pick a famous person and type in what the want to make them say. Deep fakes will affect the rich people the most in society as they are more targeted as rich people tend to be well known. Rich people could also be targeted to try to make them lose their high paying job. I have seen a lot of deep fakes and they really could ruin someones life. I hope that as time goes on, people will be able to make some sort of deep fake detector so that peoples lives do not get ruined.

Final Blog Post

I feel like I have both a positive and negative relationship with technology. Being able to connect with people that live in different state...