Sunday, December 10, 2023

Blog Post 10: Age of AI

   In the Age of AI video, what frightened me the most is that AI is taking peoples jobs. I couldn’t imagine going to college for four years just to have a computer take the job that I have worked so hard to get educated on. In the video they stated that there was around seven large investments on AI and the downside of those investments are that they decreased the ability for humans to get. Ai won’t take blue collar jobs but they will most likely take white collar jobs. Currently AI isn’t good at jobs that needs hand eye coordination which is essential to a blue collar job. People that work as reporters, traders, customer service, and much more are at risk. AI won’t go away even if we like it not. Jobs overtime tend to be replaced by technology such as bowling pin setters so hopefully with AI there will be new jobs that open up as old ones come to a close.        

Learning about the game “GO” was really interesting. After four thousand years of the game being played AI has came up with new strategies that humans never have thought of. It was really cool seeing professional players lose to the AI computer. Powering this AI to not only learn the game but have it come up with strategies of its own must have taken a lot of time and work. Seeing the human beat the computer in one game just shows how skilled he is. I have never played the game as it’s not popular in the United States but it was definitely and eye opening moment in the history of AI. I wonder what games or sports that AI will takeover in the United States. As a basketball fan it would be really cool seeing an AI robot that can shoot the basketball and never miss. Seeing an AI that could play chess would also be very interesting. 

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