Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ranking my Top Five Sources of News and Information

Number Five: BCC News

In a world where this is a ton of fake news, BCC News stands apart from the fake news sources. A huge strength about BCC News that sticks out to me is its global reach. Having a global reach is important as it allows diverse perspectives. These diverse perspectives allow BCC News to ensure legitimacy. In addition, historically they have established a very strong track record. An aspect of the BCC News website that I like the most is that the menu at the top of their website is split into countries and popular new. This allows their audience to find news easily.

Number Four: TikTok   

As funny as having TikTok on this list sounds, its a source that I have used for a ton of news and information. There might be a good mount of fake information on TikTok but on the videos that are fake the comment section usually will inform the viewer that the video is fake. There are countless accounts made strictly for giving watchers information and more of them then less are known for legit information. What I like about TikTok is that its an entertaining way to gain information and you can gain information
 passively. What I mean by that is most young adults currently use TikTok and as they watch videos they will stumble upon informational videos just by scrolling. I would recommend TikTok to young adults that love to use social media. Not only can't you watch entertain short videos but you can also watch informational videos. TikTok is so versatile and has millions of videos. I have seen a good amount of inappropriate Tiktoks so I wouldn't recommend it to younger people. It is a social media app so its as approbate as you make it.

                                                                                                    Number Three: TED   

Ted Talks are a great place to get inspiration and information. It might not be the best place to find information quickly as the videos are often long but if you are willing to sit through the whole video, you can definitely get a lot of important information. Another reason that I like TED Talks are because the information that is given within these speeches can be easier to remember as the speakers are often people that viewers look up to. I would recommend this source to anyone as its very versatile. These videos are long as I stated so this source will be good for a person with a good amount of free time. If you would rather gain information from a speaker rather than reading an article, TED Talk is for you. There are a lot of speakers that talk about news.

Number Two: Wikipedia 

A lot of people have mixed feeling about Wikipedia as anyone can edit the content. They do have a system to remove false information and when I have used Wikipedia in the paste I can confidently say that I have never ran into fake information on this website. I would recommend this source to anyone. I remember using this website in middle school and I know adults that use it. The search bar system is deftly a plus that allows the user to find the information that they want. Teachers usually don't like it when you use it as a citation. So if you are using this source for a school project, just use it for gaining information and not to pull quotes. This source may not be a news website but you can defiantly find articles that connect to todays news.

  Number One: New York Times 

When ever most people think of the news they think of the New York Times. The New York Times is a well-respected source for news. Equipped with well trusted Journalists, New York Times is very successful at giving readers important information. What I like most is that their website looks like a newspaper and it's easy to navigate. They also have games on their website which not a lot of people know about. The best one in my onion are the crossword puzzles which you would see on a normal news paper. I would recommend the New York Times to anyone that's older that 15. Some of the articles can be intense for a younger person. If you are looking for a classic newspaper feel the New York Times if for you.

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