Monday, October 30, 2023

The Supreme Court Blog Post #2

Video 1

After two hundred years of the Supreme Court being around, Americans respect and accept the authority that the court holds.  It's outstanding that words in the constitution from hundreds of years ago still guide us till this day. An interesting fact that I learned is that even some siting in jail can create a petition and it will still be look at the same as a citizen that's out of jail. It doesn't matter what position you hold when it comes to having your petition reviewed. With the amount of petitions that the supreme court gets and   close to every single one gets looked at, its amazing that the Supreme Court is able to review them. 

The most important take away I got from the videos is that one of the most important powers that the Supreme Court holds is judicial review. Judicial review allows the court to examine laws and invalidate them if needed. The famous case Marbury v. Madison in 1803 established this principle. 

Before watching the videos and reading the History channel article, I thought that the surprise court was flawed. There are certain aspects like the supreme court having a lack of diversity and at times there can be a lack of accountability. What I mean by this lack of accountability is that justice serves lifetime appointments, which means that they are not directly accountable to electorate. This often leads to hard decisions that are unpopular to the publics values without having any type of consequences. 

 Video 2

After watching the videos I can understand why the Supreme Court is forced to make decisions that might not be popular. There are a ton of laws and other attributes to take into consideration that the public just doesn't pay attention to. The videos didn't really say anything about the lack of diversity in the Supreme Court but its a fact that the court has a history of lacking diversity.

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